The healthiest student house

Studying has long since ceased to be endless beer, greasy food, and nightly visits to the döner kebab place. These changing times are reflected in a new competition organised by ACLO: the search for the healthiest student house in Groningen.
By Maaike Vos / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The competition is a collaboration among the ACLO, RUG, UMCG, the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, and the municipality of Groningen. ‘Studying is that phase in life where students break away from their parents and learn to make their own choices. This project is our way of encouraging people to have a healthier lifestyle, also later in life’, says ACLO president Victor Koster.

Student houses that participate will face four challenges over the course of four months. These revolve around the themes of moving, sports, food, and mental health, and the challenges will including a cooking competition, where the students have to prepare a meal on a student budget, among others.

Meal box

The participants will be judged by nutritionists, sports psychologists and other experts. They can win prizes for each challenge, such as a cooking workshop or tickets to a sporting event. The student house that gets the most points in the end will receive a meal box subscription for a month for the entire house.

A maximum of 25 student houses can participate in the competition. Students that do not participate can do mini-challenges on Facebook. ‘We see that a lot of students have a need for information about a healthy lifestyle’, says Koster. ‘Student culture is changing – people are becoming more health and food conscious. We hope to contribute to that.’

Interested? You can sign up until 1 November by sending an email with your address, names, ages and participants’ studies to


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