Police release images of vandalising of UG buildings

The Groningen police have shared camera footage of the defacement of the Academy building, the UB and the Röling building (law) on the night of April 12. The images show three perpetrators.

The perpetrators painted slogans such as ‘From the river to the sea’, ‘Free Gaza’ and ‘Complicit: RUG’ the night before the university’s Open Day. Windows were also smashed.

By releasing the footage, the police hope to learn more about the identity of the perpetrators, who were wearing masks.

The footage shows the three going about their business undisturbed between 4 a.m. and 4.30 a.m., applying pro-Palestinian slogans with red paint on the façades, staircase, and the balcony.

Third time

Cleaning crews worked for days to remove the paint. This proved especially difficult on the sandstone pillars of the Academy building.

It was the third time UG buildings were targeted by pro-Palestine activists, who want the university to cut all ties with Israel and express support for the Palestinians. The UB was also vandalised in late November and mid-December. In December, the large windows at the front of the library were also smashed.

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