FEB research master receives ‘excellent programme’ designation

The research master in economics and business at the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) has been named an ‘excellent programme’ in the latest Keuzegids Masters.

It is one of a total of seventeen excellent programmes at Dutch universities. Interestingly enough, almost half of are in the field of economics.

The research master in economics and business at the UG received a designation of ‘very good’ on the following components: material, lecturers, exams, career perspectives, and atmosphere. If you want to follow this master, you have to have good credentials, as there is no open admission.

Students go through a selection process. They have to have a grade of at least an 8 on their bachelor thesis, and their course average must be an 8 or higher as well. Students must also submit written work and have references.

National Student Survey

The assessment of programmes in the Keuzegids Masters is based on the National Student Survey. This is a national satisfaction survey for students at universities of applied sciences and research universities in which they can evaluate their study programmes on themes such as general satisfaction, content and structure of education and involvement and contact.

The current Keuzegids Masters is based on the 2023 NSS data. In that year, a total of 289,000 university of applied sciences and research university students completed the survey.


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