Feringa Building: ten football fields’ worth of classrooms, labs, and offices

In the summer of 2019 construction was started at the Zernike campus on the new building for the Faculty of Science and Engineering: the Feringa Building.

The complex, which is the most expensive building the UG has every commissioned, will be home to physics, (bio)chemical, and vibration-free labs, offices, and classrooms. It will have room for 1,400 students and 850 employees.

The Feringa Building is replacing Nijenborgh 4, which is fairly outdated. The new building has 64,000 square metres of floor space (which amounts to approximately ten football fields) and will be shaped like three connected V-shaped wings.

The building was named after Ben Feringa, who did his Nobel Prize winning chemistry research at the Faculty of Science and Engineering (at Nijenborgh 4), where Frits Zernike, whom the campus was named after, won his Nobel Prize for physics in 1953.


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