No emergency housing for new internationals this semester

Although the last emergency shelter for homeless students closed its doors just over a month ago, according to the municipality, there is no need for setting up extra facilities for the February influx of internationals.

In consultation with the UG and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, the city of Groningen looked at the prognosis and estimated that student housing companies will be able to accommodate new students ‘because various locations use semi-annual contracts’, says municipal spokesperson Manon Hoiting. 

‘There appears to be sufficient supply available in February and it has been decided not to organize emergency accommodation’, says municipal spokesperson Manon Hoiting.


The city also pins its hopes on the recently renovated Cornus flat at the Kornoeljelaan in Selwerd, which will be housing exclusively international students from February 1 on. 

The first students have moved into the Cornus flat today, confirmed Madelon van Gameren with housing company SSH, which rents out the building.

Even though it is unclear how many of the 321 rooms have been taken so far, international students who haven’t found a home yet can still reserve a place for one semester. ‘Not all rooms are booked yet.’

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