RUG student number growth slows down

The explosive increase of the number of students at the RUG seems to be slowing down. The total number of students has grown by 2.4 percent, down form 4.6 percent last year. This means that the RUG is below the national average of 4 percent this year.
By Giulia Fabrizi / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The RUG published the stats on the student numbers last Thursday. This year, the RUG has a total of 32,765 students. Of these, 5,619 started a bachelor programme, 1.029 started a pre-master, and 4,007 started a master programme.

Numbers bachelor and master programmes

The number of students starting a bachelor programme slightly declined this year. According to the university, this year saw 187 fewer students than 2018. The RUG says the deline is partly caused by three programmes, including the popular psychology programme, instating a numerus causus.

Contrary to the bachelor, the number of students starting a master programme have gone up. The number of new master students is 4,007 this year, raising the total number of master students to more than 10,200. Last year, the total number of master students was a little over 10,000.

The number of new pre-master students was almost the same as last year. In 2018, 905 students started a pre-master, and this year that number was 1,029.

International students

The number of international students also keeps growing.. This year, 2,595 new international students started a programme at the Groningen university. This increases the total number of RUG international students to 7,683.

Last year, international students represented 22.8 percent of the total number of students; this year, they are 23.4 percent.

The RUG has international students from over 120 countries, although most of them are from Germany. Of the more than 7,600 international student, 2,274 are German.

Romania comes second, with 445 students at the RUG, followed by Great Britain (441), Italy (405), and China, with 353 students. There are fewer than 150 students from each other nationality at the RUG.

Faculties and programmes

The faculties drawing the most students this year are the Faculty of Science and Engineering, the Faculty of Law, and the Faculty of Spatial Sciences.

The new faculty Campus Fryslân has also seen an increase in its percentages. They went from 40 students to 106 this year. As for the individual programmes, the bachelors of business, computer science, and biomolecular sciences are growing the fastest.


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