Who will the new UCG building be named after? The uni is looking for suggestions

University College Groningen (UCG) is looking for a name for the educational building currently under renovation, which will be used from 2026 onwards.

Renovation work on the building at Bloemsingel 1 started this week, but it still lacks a name. Therefore, anyone who has a good idea can submit a suggestion until October 16.

They’d prefer a historical figure associated with the UG. The name should not have been used before and, ideally, should reflect the values of liberal arts and sciences (the UCG educational model) or healthy ageing. The new building is located on the UG’s Healthy Ageing Campus.

Permanent location

The university college was launched in 2014, and since then, the UG has been working to give it a permanent location in the city. It was soon decided to house it on the campus at the northern side of the UMCG.

The first concrete step was taken in June 2023 when students moved into the residential tower Libertas at Wouter van Doeverenplein. This allowed the temporary student accommodation at the repurposed Frascati office building near the main station to be closed.

According to plan

Once renovations are complete, all UCG’s educational activities will relocate to the Healthy Ageing Campus. What will happen to the current teaching building at Hoendiepskade remains unclear.

Although the renovation plans may seem to take a lot of time, the real estate department says they are progressing according to plan. The necessary demolition work was completed before summer, and the renovation plans are being developed ‘in line with previous designs’.


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