It amounted to a sort of ‘bang list’ – titled ‘The True Almanac’ (De Oprechte Almanak) – where the female students were given a sexiness rating of one to five stars.
The suspensions were announced by the board of Vindicat on Friday afternoon. Additional disciplinary measures have not been ruled out, according to chairperson Stijn Derksen. ‘For privacy reasons, we do not want to reveal how the suspended members are connected to each other.’
The board of Vindicat is in regular contact with the 23 female students. On Thursday, they invited them to come to the student association to discuss the matter and to offer them help if needed. The student association has not filed a formal complaint against the creators of list. But Derksen says that he and his fellow board members would completely understand if the impacted students choose to do so.
Derksen says that the Vindicat board fully stands behind the involved students and their families. ‘This totally crosses the line and is not just a student joke, and it goes against the values and norms of Vindicat and how we see our female members.’
It is not the first time that a list of this nature has been created, according to the short foreword by the list’s creators. ‘We present you with the third edition of the Real Almanac. After a disappointing year in 2015, where there were a mere two horny broads, our editorial staff has chosen to resume the tradition this year. 2016 shall be remember for its massive number of hotties.’
Derksen says that he has been a member of Vindicat for several years, but he and his fellow board members say that have never heard of such a list before.