UKrant is looking for enthusiastic student editors

Are you curious? Do you like writing? Are you involved in student life? Then UKrant wants you!

We’re looking for students to regularly write news articles and background stories on the UG and student life in Groningen.

What do we expect from you?

Mainly enthusiasm. But we’re also looking for an affinity with news media and writing, as well as a feel for fun, interesting stories. Experience in journalism isn’t a must, but it is an advantage. We also expect you to make time for us; at least half a day a week.

What can you expect from us?

You’d be part of a fun, friendly, and dynamic team of student journalists, videographers, photographers, freelancers, and editors. We’ll help you develop your writing skills. Last but not least: you wouldn’t be working for free. We will compensate you.


Email us at before Friday January 27, using the subject ‘student journalist’ and include the following information in your email: Your first and last name, the country you come from, date of birth, study programme and phone number.

And of course, a short explanation of why you’d like to join us, a cv and any articles you’ve written before.

We will contact you as soon as possible.

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