UKrant is looking for columnists. Not one, but two!

Do you have an opinion about everything in general and about the UG or Groningen student life in particular? Are you critical and do you have an original view of the world around you? Can you write?

UKrant, the independent journalistic medium for academic Groningen, is looking for inspired columnists to write an appealing, original, pithy column twice a month.

We are looking for two internationals: one student columnist, and one staff columnist.

You decide what to write about. The only condition is that the column must be about university life, the UG, or Groningen as a student city.

In short, you can do (almost) anything. There’s even a (modest) compensation in for you!

Are you interested?

Are you up to the challenge? Then send us an email with ‘columnist’ in the subject and your CV, a short motivation and a sample column (max. 400 words) no later than Friday, October 27 to Rob Siebelink, editor-in-chief of UKrant.


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