Do you have a critical and original mindset and are you a good writer? Perhaps you’re the new international student columnist we’re looking for.
UKrant, the independent news platform for academic Groningen, is looking for an enthusiastic student who can write an engaging, original, and/or punchy column for the international university community twice a month.
Not for free, mind: we’ll pay you a modest fee.
We’re looking for a student who’s a good writer and who’s not afraid to write what they think. Someone whose ideas are original. Someone who lets every day surprise, amaze, and excite them. Someone who can be nice when they should be nice and can take a swing at things when they’re angry.
You decide what to write your column on. The only condition is that the topic must be on something to with university life, the UG, or Groningen as a student city.
If you’re interested, we’d love to see what you can do. Before December 8, please send your test column to, on the following topic: Cycling in Groningen. Please write no more than four hundred words. We’d also love to see a motivational letter and a short CV.
Rob Siebelink
editor-in-chief UKrant