The city is bustling again as KEI Week kicks off

KEI Week 2024 has kicked off. Until Friday, there will be events and activities all over the city for the five thousand or so first-year students.

Monday kicks off with the information market at the Vismarkt. Newcomers can further explore the city this day in an open bus tour or on foot with a guide. For the full programme, see the KEI Week site.

Vocational students are now also welcome during KEI Week. A successful trial was held last year and participation of this group is now official.

UKrant is, of course, active this week as well. We’re distributing a special print edition of the newspaper at various points in the city, specifically made for the first-year students.

The paper can also be picked up (for free) at the UKrant editorial office, at Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 28.


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