lucy avraamidou

Lucy Avraamidou vecht tegen AI-bias: ‘We stevenen mogelijk af op een tech-dystopie’

Kunstmatige intelligentie hoort ons leven beter te maken. Maar de algoritmes zijn veelal in het voordeel van degenen met de macht, en dragen zo bij aan discriminatie en vooroordelen. Lucy Avraamidou doet er alles aan om dat te veranderen.

‘Discussie over internationals aan de universiteit is oneerlijk en onethisch’

De politieke discussie over minder buitenlandse studenten en meer Nederlandstalig onderwijs, zo betoogt RUG-hoogleraar Lucy Avraamidou, komt voort uit maar één ding: xenofobie.

From words to transformative action

Lucy Avraamidou is a new columnist for UKrant. Once a month, she writes about things at the university that amaze her (English only). This is her first contribution.

Usva en UKrant houden gespreksavond over over Wet internationalisering in balans

Onder de titel 'Mogen we blijven? Een gesprek over de toekomst van internationale studenten in Groningen' houden cultureel studentencentrum Usva en UKrant op 20 juni een gespreksavond over de Wet internationalisering in balans (Wib).

Farewell, in hope

I am terrible with goodbyes and I owe it to my Southern Mediterranean background. Our goodbyes, while standing by the door, often extend longer...

All I can hear is the sound of clocks being turned back a century

I will call her Anne because I did not catch her name. It was long and had way too many consonants for a Greek...

The illusion of neutrality

A physicist once assured me he had trained his research team to be purely objective and neutral when conducting their research. Convinced he was joking, I smiled and asked how.

The UG has a role to play in disrupting hate, but we abstain 

Since October 7, more than 3,257 children have been reported killed, including at least 3,195 in Gaza, 33 in the West Bank, and 29...

Silence is not neutral

This is not a good time to discuss geopolitics This is not a good time to discuss geopolitics.  This is not a good time to discuss geopolitics!


‘Are there any doctors on the aircraft?’ Well, I knew of at least three doctors on board traveling together to attend a conference. It...

Summer vacation is a luxury for the few in academia

I decided to take a - let’s say - long vacation this year. I attempted to stay away from email for four weeks. I...

Big tech will not save us

'Universities should work more closely with industries, which are the key players in society, and listen more to their customers.' How depressing is this...

Learning to embrace rejection and to fail even better

On a chilly, sunny morning, I wake up to the doorbell and a beautiful bouquet from the faculty board. There is nothing I love...

Lowering the bar: an oversimplified plan for a complex issue

I really do not get it. Why would the Minister of Education propose the most simplistic possible plan of the reduction of required first-year...

Sleepwalking in times of climate injustice

Making it on time for my class is a lost battle. I’ve been trying to return to the Netherlands for two days now, through...

How do I tell you about rest without telling you about academic workaholism?

I have finally made my way to the beach. I’m mesmerised by the reflection of the sunlight on the water, and have no idea...

Why do we need feminist research? I’ll tell you

You know those weather apps assuring you that it’s dry, while you’re outside running and getting soaking wet? Right now, the university’s long-awaited statement...
