Rooms in Groningen are affordable, in Amsterdam not so much

Groningen is one of the cheaper student cities in the Netherlands, according to the annual report from the rental platform Kamernet.

For the report, Kamernet examined around 157 thousand homes this year, spread across 23 cities.

Nationally, the rent for a student room increased last year to an average of 551 euros per month, a rise of about 7 percent compared to 2022. Groningen is well below this, with 480 euros, as well as Maastricht (481 euros), Zwolle (471 euros), and Delft (469 euros).

The cheapest rooms can be found in Enschede (361 euros) and Wageningen (359 euros). In Amsterdam, a student pays more than double: an average of 948 euros, followed by 725 euros in Haarlem and 708 euros in Utrecht.

Substantial increase

The room prices in student cities have risen significantly in the last two years, averaging 22.6 percent. In 2021, the average rent in the largest student cities was 443 euros, and now students pay a hundred euros more per month.

Amsterdam is once again the leader with an increase of almost 40 percent, followed by The Hague (31.8 percent), and Breda with nearly 30 percent. Groningen hovers around the national average with a 22.8 percent increase.

Cities like Enschede (plus 9.4 percent), Wageningen (plus 2.8 percent), and Leeuwarden (plus 13.5 percent) help keep the average lower, according to Kamernet.

Square metre prices

A room in Groningen costs an average of 27 euros per square metre, equal to Nijmegen. Amsterdam remains the most expensive city with 54 euros, followed by Haarlem (45 euros). Students in Wageningen pay the least, at only 20 euros per square metre.

The majority of the offering in Groningen consists of student rooms, about 68 percent. In addition, there are studios for an average of 845 euros per month. For these, students pay more than the national average of 816 euros.

That also holds for one-room apartments, often with a garden or balcony. In Groningen, these cost an average of 1082 euros per month, compared to a national average of 1036 euros. However, multi-room apartments are cheaper: 1253 euros versus 1293 euros nationwide.



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