Professor Doerak publishes first work

Bored during the Christmas holiday because all his friends were away, university cat Doerak decided to write a book. On Thursday, his first work on university cats of the world will be published as an e-book: Our campus, their world.
By Sisi van Halsema / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

His owners did all the actual writing. Not because they’re natural-born authors: Doerak’s dad works as a security guard and Doerak’s mum works at a daycare centre. Rather, because their Instagram account, where they post cute pictures of their tomcat, basically constituted half a book already. The pair came across an increasing number of messages and stories about other university cats.

‘We started toying with the idea of writing a book just before the exhibition at the University museum’, Doerak’s dad said. ‘And since Doerak is a professor, he has to have some publications to his name in order to prove himself to his feline friends.’

Second book

‘Doerak was pretty bored during the Christmas holidays. He had to wait two weeks before his student friends returned. But when the holidays were finally over, the entire population of the Harmonie building, Doerak’s favourite haunt, had moved to the library to study!’ But every cloud has a silver lining: Doerak’s boredom was good reason to actually start designing the book.

The hardest thing about writing a book? ‘We couldn’t stop gathering information. That’s why we’ll be publishing a second e-book. Because of all the messages and info we have, we’re halfway done already.’

Writing the actual book was a lot of work, Doerak’s owners explain, even though it is mostly pictures. ‘But Doerak wouldn’t stop walking across the laptop. It’s one of his favourite sleeping spots, as well.’

The e-book will be available through on 14 February and will cost 3.26 euro.


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