Casper Albers

Time for the balance bitch

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A statistician on a mission

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Council tears into Yantai time sheet investigation

The registration of the hours employees spent on the Yantai project was not done correctly. Independent investigators say the RUG board of director cannot be blamed for this. But the university council disagrees.

Flimsy science can be dangerous science

Leaving out anomalies. Adding additional participants. Not replicating the study, or repeating it until a certain result shows up. Many researchers use these techniques to optimise their data: they tweak it until they find something statistically significant.

Course evaluations, a source of concern

It’s only natural that a course should be evaluated at the end of a block. But what’s the best way? Pretty much everyone agrees that the current evaluation system doesn’t work.

How they finally pulled the plug

10 January, 2018: the day it was decided that the branch campus in Yantai, China, would not be happening. How six months of lobbying, meetings, and questions from the University Council led to the abolishment of the RUG’s most ambitious plan ever.

University Council against Yantai [ UPDATE ]

A majority of the University Council is still against the plans to start a branch campus in Yantai. The RUG’s Chinese expansion is in real danger of falling through.

‘Yantai, yes or no?’

Do we or do we not want a Yantai campus? Personnel members of the University Council are asking the entire RUG for its input, because they have to vote on the matter next month.

Involved with Yantai? Yes and no

Are the people who represent the students and employees at the RUG sufficiently involved in the plans for a new campus in the Chinese city of Yantai? Opinions vary strongly.

FBSS brings in mediator

A mediator will have to ensure that employees of the psychology department and faculty board members can find common ground.

Op-ed: FBSS protest

Employees of the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences are fed up. They explain their objections to the current housing plans in an open letter, which is undersigned by 120 staff members.

Op-ed: Yantai consent is not a quickie

A lot still has to happen before a judicious decision can be made about 'Yantai', according to the Personnel Faction in the University Council.

Teaching experience for scholarship students

Scholarship students at the university are not able to acquire as much teaching experience as originally thought. The RUG is making efforts to change that.
