Out on the town with: Marit | Feel like a kid again at the University Museum

There’s so much to do in Groningen that you really need a guide to help you uncover the city’s hidden gems. UKrant’s student editors share their cultural agenda with you. What’s their favourite venue and which events are absolutely not to be missed?

Hangout: University Museum

The first time I walked into the University Museum, it felt like the clock had been turned back ten years. Except this time, my mother didn’t call me back when I wanted to push buttons, I gazed in wonder at a chimpanzee eye preserved in formaldehyde, and I learned about professors whose names I only knew from university buildings.

As I walk through the alley hidden between the buildings of the Oude Kijk in ‘t Jat, my jaw relaxes and my shoulders drop. Away from the hustle and bustle of the city centre, my deadlines, and my social obligations.

As a biologist, I love natural history museums. You feel like you’ve been transported back to a time when science was still in its infancy. What did the world look like then? You also encounter things you’ve never seen before, like a paper-mache anatomy doll or Siamese twin babies.

You’re transported back to a time when science was still in its infancy

Since I discovered the University Museum, I make it a point to visit every exhibition. My debut was ‘Time will tell’, where I tested my perception of time by estimating how long a minute is. My favourite so far is ‘Fallus’, the exhibition about the penis. From mushrooms that looked like vulvas to decades-old sex toys; I was surprised every time. The permanent exhibition, where you learn about the important people who studied and worked at the UG, is also worth visiting.

So I was eager to go when I heard there was a new exhibition, ‘Kaleidoscope’. The treasures from the University Museum’s archive were waiting for me.

If you have some time to kill between classes you should definitely visit the museum: entrance is free for students and staff. Whether you come specifically for the temporary exhibition or the permanent one, with each visit you’ll step into a different world and learn something new.

University Museum
Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 7a
Open Tue-Sat 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sunday noon to 5 p.m.
Free for UG and UMCG students and staff

Where you’ll find me over the next few weeks:

As a kid, there was little I dreaded more than exercising. But during my student years, I started trying out different sports and discovered that there are definitely enjoyable ways to break a sweat. Pole dancing, paddle tennis, volleyball; sports are so diverse, there’s something for everyone. At the Lustrum Sports Day, you can try out various sports for free and even participate in a volleyball tournament with your fellow students!

Film is something magical for me. Colourful images and delicate sounds coming together to tell an extraordinary story. I find it even more impressive when these images are handcrafted. During the three-day animation festival, there are not only countless animated films screening, but creators like Michiel Hoving talk about the birth of their creations on the screen. In Michiel’s case, two of my favorites: Varkentje Rund and Greetje Grien from Dutch kid’s programme ‘Het Klokhuis’.

  • Suikermarkt
    When: May 19, from 11 a.m. onwards
    Price: 4 euros

One of my hobbies is thrift shopping. When my detective work in the clothing racks is rewarded with a gem for just three euros, I get a huge dopamine rush. During Pentecost, a large vintage market takes place at the EM2 site, which is basically a candy store for students. Wander around, search, and take a break while enjoying live music and a snack at the food trucks.

Do you know what we’re voting for in the European elections? And for whom? I don’t, at least not yet, but I think it’s important to delve into it a bit. Although the European Union sometimes feels like a distant affair, my vote does have an impact. I hope that this Studium Generale debate will make me (and perhaps you too) a bit wiser, so that I can make an informed choice on June 6.

The cliché is true: running helps me clear my mind. Although I mostly explore the surroundings of Kardinge, I also enjoy taking occasional trips to the west of the city. On Whit Monday, a park run will take place at the Stadspark, a free event of five kilometres. Volunteers organise a park run every Saturday, but now there’s a special Pentecost edition! The great thing is that your time is recorded and no pace is too slow or too fast; everyone is welcome.


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