Out on the town with: Carla | Curing your hangover with a 5k run

There’s so much to do in Groningen that you really need a guide to help you uncover the city’s hidden gems. UKrant’s student editors share their cultural agenda with you. What’s their favourite venue and which events are absolutely not to be missed?

Hangout: Stadspark parkrun

Every Saturday morning, while most of Groningen is still counting sheep, I’m lacing up my shoes and heading to the heart of Stadspark. Why? Because it’s parkrun time, baby – my absolute favourite event of the week. Some swear on orange juice, others by dry toast, but I say the best hangover cure is an early morning 5k run through a muddy Stadspark. 

I love how it connects all the odd ends of Groningen. I have ample opportunity to run into friends in the city, but Parkrunners are like a mismatched set of crockery. Different patterns, different colours, young and old, but still managing to be a complete set. There’s even a few canine participants, giving a literal definition to waking up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. 

Growing up in a small town meant that I didn’t have to try hard to run into people I knew. In fact, if I saw people, I knew them. I used to hate the small talk and the town gossip, but once I moved away, I craved that community again. At parkrun, I’ve rediscovered it.

Nothing beats the post-run coffee and cookies, knowing you’ve tricked for your treats. But really, my favourite part is the sweaty buzz of conversation over coffee. Every week, my friend Jan van der Schans – one of the organisers and long-standing volunteers – asks what I’m cooking up for my next column or dives into the hottest topic UKrant covered that week. He’s practically an honorary employee, always armed with a scoop. 

Each ‘Out on the Town’ piece before this has shared a common theme: community. In one way or another, everyone writes about how their favourite place fosters a sense of belonging. Now who am I to break tradition? After all, us humans, we happen to be herd animals.

Stadspark Parkrun is every Saturday morning at 9 a.m. First-time runners need to register (no cost). 

Where you’ll find me the coming weeks:

Lust | OMG – English Stand-Up Comedy Open Mic Show
When: 23 January, 8 p.m.
Price: early bird tickets €6.50, regular tickets with student discount €8.50

There’s no better way to forget about deadlines than by laughing at wildly inappropriate jokes. Café Lust hosts the open mic show almost every Thursday – on Fridays there’s a Dutch show – so I have gone a few times already and at this point I am scoping out the competition for when I finally have the guts to sign myself up. 

Faculty of Religion, Culture and Society
When: from 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Mon, Wed and Fri) and on Tuesday and Thursday from 8.30 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Price: free

Somehow it still remains a pretty well-kept secret, but I am hoping to get some good karma by not gatekeeping the very best library in the city to study in. I almost exclusively go when it’s rainy and miserable outside, because it suits the dark academia look of the building (Oude Boteringestraat 38) perfectly. 

Het Opstapje
When: daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Sundays 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.)
Price: sandwiches from €2.55 

Het Opstapje is one of my favourite lunch spots for a study break. It’s very close to the library, affordable and delicious. It has sandwiches inspired by different countries of the world, perfect for broke students to feel like they travel. Bonus is that if you practice your Dutch, the owner will respond in English, but he will give you an extra cookie with your coffee for your effort. 

ACLO | Padel
When: check the ACLO app for available time slots
Price: reservations are free for ACLO members and €6 for non-members, racket rent is €3

I had to see what all the buzz around padel was about and I’m sorry to report that I have officially joined the trend. It is super easy to pick up and if you know the rules of ping pong you are set. 

Vismarkt | Mister Portugal food truck
When: Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m to 5 p.m.
Price: varies

My favourite corner of the market is the Mister Portugal food truck. I think he makes the best coffee on the market and you simply cannot skip the pastel de natas. Just follow the vibey music and you’ll find him. 



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