Out on the town with: Begüm | A Roaring Twenties experience at The Stockroom

There’s so much to do in Groningen, that you really need a guide to help you uncover the city’s hidden gems. UKrant’s student editors share their cultural agenda with you. What’s their favourite venue and which events are absolutely not to be missed?

Hangout: The Stockroom

If you’re looking for a relaxing and unique atmosphere enjoying equally unique cocktails on a Saturday night after an exhausting week, The Stockroom is the perfect place. For those who manage to find the disguised entrance, a real gem awaits inside.

The place draws its inspiration from the 1920s Prohibition era, a time when the US government tried—and failed—to outlaw alcohol. Speakeasies started popping up everywhere, hidden behind bookcases and secret doors, and known only to those in the loop. When you walk into The Stockroom, it’s like stepping into one of those secret bars from back in the day. 

With its dim lighting and vintage touches, it’s easy to imagine you’ve been transported back in time

You won’t need a password to get in, but with its dim lighting and vintage touches, it’s easy to imagine you’ve been transported back in time where you see people from a hundred years ago lounging at the bar, sipping on classic cocktails, or engaging in hushed conversations. 

Whether you’re at the bar watching the bartenders work their magic or seated at a cosy table, it’s all about the experience. The bartenders here are true artists, crafting one-of-a-kind cocktails you won’t find anywhere else. Enjoy the chill music with the cocktails made freshly in front of you and forget the world for a couple of hours!

This place is great for special occasions, so don’t forget to reserve a table. And if you’re still up for it, the nearby bars and clubs make it easy to continue the night.

The Stockroom
Oosterstraat 24-1
Open Tuesday – Sunday

Where you’ll find me in the coming weeks:

Huize Maas | Amicus Mafia Party
When: October 4, 10.30 p.m.
Price: from €8.79

Amicus Civitas, the student association that embodies the spirit of ‘Friends of the community’, is hosting a thrilling Mafia-themed party. With a lineup of music genres ranging from hip-hop to pop and house, this party has something for everyone. It’s the perfect excuse to put on a three-piece suit or suspenders under a jacket and hit the dance floor in style. 

Band stand Noorderplantsoen | Activism Intro Fair
When: October 5, 2-6 p.m.
Price: Free

For anyone passionate about human rights and social justice issues, the Activism Intro Fair is the place to be. Whether you’re just starting out or already involved in activism, this event offers the chance to connect with local organisations making a real impact. Let’s Talk About Sex, Groningen for Palestine, Vegan Student Association Groningen and more will be there. Chat with members, ask questions, and find your way to contribute to causes you care about.

Brouwerij Martinus | Improv Comedy Jam 
When: Every Monday, 9-11 p.m.
Price: Free

Grab a beer, watch some improv, and maybe even step on stage yourself! Every Monday, Groningen’s own Stranger Things Have Happened hosts an improv comedy jam at Brouwerij Martinus. It’s the perfect night for laughter, creativity, and Martinus’ craft beers. Whether you’re in the mood to perform or just watch, you’ll enjoy a night full of unpredictable and hilarious moments, with a different show every week.

Vera | Popronde
When: October 10, 8.30 p.m.
Price: Free

Popronde is a travelling music festival that hits forty cities across the Netherlands, and Vera is one of the main spots to enjoy the festival in Groningen. The lineup includes Cardigan Inn, a fresh post-punk band from Amsterdam, RÊVERIE with their bold alt-pop sound, and BUG, a chaotic mix of hip-hop, rave, and punk that’s sure to get the crowd moving. Best part? It’s free. See you there!

Usva | Night of Comedy & Connections  
When: October 15, 8.30 p.m.
Price: €1

Get ready for a night of laughs and making friends at the Usva theatre! This event is organised by seven student associations aiming to connect students and promote integration. With a ticket price of just 1 euro (which includes a drink), it’s an unmissable opportunity to have fun and meet new people. 


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