Live the true Groninger life for a night

Ever wondered why people in Groningen are obsessed with wrapped egg balls? You might get your answer next Monday.
By Edward Szekeres

What does ‘om toch’ mean? What is an eierbal? And why is everyone here making fun of Friesland? International Groninger Night offers a chance to experience first-hand what living in Groningen means to its core inhabitants – the Stadjers

If you’re still trying to find your footing in Groningen after finally securing a room on the ruthless housing market, Club Kiwi on Peperstraat is the ideal destination for you this coming Monday.


Surrounded by lively bars and dance venues with sticky floors, Club Kiwi will host the International Groninger Night on 21 January. The event is organised by SIB-Groningen, the largest international student association in town, in cooperation with a couple of other organisations promoting local culture and Gronings, the local dialect. It will be the right place for anyone wanting to grab a bite of the unique cultural aspects of the city and the province.

The event will present a colourful mix of separate but complementary acts. Featuring a lecture on Groningen’s identity, a crash course on the local dialect and a pub quiz, the night will stimulate the participants’ senses, promises Zsa-Zsa van Wijk, the association‘s president.

‘We want everyone to get a full experience of Groningen in a fun atmosphere where people can talk and discuss about more than just student life’, she says.

Admission is free and further information on the event can be found here.

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