Groningen March for Women

Over 200 students and locals marched, chanting, through the city of Groningen on Saturday. ‘We need to be seen’, says Malva Freire Regueira, one of the five RUG students who organised the march: ‘the fight is far from over.’
Text by Emily Howard and Megan Embry / Photo by Groningen Feminist Network

The Groningen March for Women, organised by the Groningen Feminist Network, follows a women’s rights movement that has swept the globe since the Women’s March on Washington in 2017. This year, protestors are focusing on rights for marginalised women.

Why now?

‘This is a very important time’, says Olga Schmahl, a RUG medical student and GFN secretary. ‘With the global discussion about #MeToo, access to healthcare for women and transgender women, abortion and contraception – this is a crucial time to be talking about all women’s rights.’

‘It’s a really important moment’, agrees Kimberly Malone Crossley, President of GFN and RUG medical student. ‘So many issues affecting women have come to the forefront since the march last year – more than I have ever seen. People are starting to believe us. The march is an important place to show your support, spread the word, and start conversations.’

Not alone

Speeches preceding the march highlighted intersectionality and how women who face different obstacles can work together.  ‘No one is alone in the struggle’, says Margot Pypstra, GFN officer and RUG medicine student.

RUG student Lenh Knaudt marched for the sake of others: ‘I hope those who believe the fight is over will reconsider how far we still have to go to provide a wholesome environment for trans women, women of colour, single mothers, homeless women, refugee women and everybody else who is treated as marginal in our policies, media, and every other part of our society.’


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