FSE offers free courses to students who have fled Ukraine

Ukrainian students who have had to flee their country can take free courses at the Faculty of Science and Engineering for up to one year. 

FSE is the first UG faculty to provide this option. ‘We got requests from several students who had to halt their studies in Ukraine and wanted to continue elsewhere, so we tried to think of something that we could do quickly given our limited options’, says internationalisation policy officer Liza ten Velde. 

Case by case

‘We aren’t allowed to provide funding for scholarships and accommodation’, Ten Velde explains, ‘but Ukrainian students can take courses through the free mover scheme even if their home university doesn’t have an exchange agreement with FSE.’

At least thirteen students have already contacted the faculty, but whether they will actually be allowed to study here will be decided on a case-by-case basis. Due to capacity issues, FSE can’t guarantee that all applications will be approved. 

‘We might not always be able to place the students in the courses they want to take, or that are an exact match with what they’re doing back home’, says Ten Velde. ‘It depends on what’s possible and what’s available, because our main responsibility as a faculty is to make sure that our regular students are able to take their courses.’


Ukrainians who continue their studies as guest students at the UG will get a transcript stating the courses they’ve completed, including grades and credits. It’s up to the home university to decide if those credits count towards their degree.

Interested students can contact an academic adviser, who will advise on how to proceed in order to join FSE this semester.



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