Former UG student to remain in detention until psychiatric evaluation is completed

The former student currently detained for stalking and threatening employees of the UG, UMCG, and UKrant, has been ordered by the court to undergo psychiatric evaluation. Until this assessment is completed, she will remain in custody.

The Groningen court made this decision during a pro forma hearing. The suspect, Marwa M., has so far refused to cooperate with the psychological evaluation previously mandated by the court.

It was revealed during the hearing that a psychologist had been visiting M. in prison. However, she refused to engage in any discussions, insisting that she views herself as a victim rather than a suspect. Consequently, the court has now decided that she should be evaluated at the Pieter Baan Centre.


Marwa M. was a dentistry student at the UG, but was expelled from the programme due to her behaviour. Disagreeing with this decision, she became involved in a conflict with the UMCG and the UG. She repeatedly returned to the university, posting accusations against staff members on posters and social media, including their names, photos, and claims of fraud.

M. also harassed and intimidated people, including the editorial team at UKrant, with aggressive behaviour and threats. Despite being banned from entering UG buildings and contacting specific individuals, she continued to do so. Following complaints from UG and UMCG, she was arrested in November 2023 and has been in custody since then.

‘Minor offences’

M.’s lawyer requested the court to temporarily suspend her pretrial detention, arguing that her time in custody is disproportionate to the relatively minor offences she is charged with. The lawyer noted that treatment at the Pieter Baan Centre could take months to commence.

The public prosecutor argued that any suspension should come with strict conditions, such as a ban on entering the municipality of Groningen and a prohibition on contacting or publishing anything about the victims. However, the court was not convinced that M. would adhere to these conditions and considered the risk of recurrence too high to release her at this time.

The next pro forma hearing is scheduled for November 7.

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