Starting Monday, tampons and sanitary napkins will be freely available in toilets at the Faculty of Economy and Business. ‘It would be great if the rest of the university followed.’
Many women are familiar with the issue: your menstruation starts unexpectedly and you don’t have any tampons or sanitary napkins on you. ‘What are they supposed to do?’, student assessor Floor Buigel wondered. ‘If you cut yourself, you can get a band-aid at reception. But they don’t carry any feminine hygiene products.’
But half the faculty is made up of women. That’s why, Buigel submitted a plan to the faculty board before summer. ‘I wanted to make a structural change at FEB. The board responded positively. Implementation is simple, but we did have to talk to facilities management.’ They’re the ones who have to keep track of the stock.
Starting Monday, the downstairs toilets at the Kapteynborg, Mercator, and Duisenberg buildings will be stocked with tampons and sanitary napkins.
‘I think it’s amazing’, says Buigel. ‘I expect this will make a lot of people happy and that we can make this a structural change. It would be great if the rest of the university followed.’