Dining with Natalie: 47 Anno Domini

As a native of culinary melting pot Malaysia and the daughter of a restaurateur, UG student Natalie Voo knows her food. Every other week, she reviews Groningen’s student-friendly dining scene. This time: 47 Anno Domini.

I’ve been on a bit of a culinary quest to try every Italian spot in Groningen and it seems that ‘bad to average’ is the city’s specialty. Italian cuisine is not rocket science. You’re working with a handful of ingredients; the hard part is… Well, there’s no hard part! There’s a reason most beginner cooks start with pasta, it’s practically impossible to screw up. But after being let down more times than I care to admit, I finally hit the jackpot with 47 Anno Domini.

Huge portions

We started with some bread. It was nothing to write home about, but the nduja butter – a spreadable salami paste – it came with was spicy, rich, and unique. When the mains arrived, we dove into the truffle pasta and their famed pistachio and mortadella pizza. First thing I noticed was the huge portion sizes.

I’ve had my fair share of lackluster truffle pastas, but this one was chef’s kiss. It was piping hot, luxuriously creamy, and the pasta was cooked perfectly al dente. The truffle and parmesan combo was absolute heaven. If I had to be that person and nitpick, I’d say they should salt the pasta water more, but it was still a win in my book.

And the pizza… Oh boy. The pistachio pesto was nutty and rich, the burrata was creamy, and the mortadella added that salty, meaty punch. The dough was soft, fluffy, perfection. It was so huge that we couldn’t finish it, so we got the rest to-go.

Ideal for a date

We have a second stomach for dessert, so obviously we got the pistachio tiramisu. Not too sweet, a strong hit of coffee, and just a hint of that creamy pistachio flavor. I wish it had been more pistachio-forward, but hey, maybe they used up all the nuts on that glorious pizza. I’ll allow it.

Service was spot on – quick, friendly, and they didn’t hover, so major points there. The ambiance was lovely, with pink accents and mood lighting. Ideal for a date or just hanging out with friends pretending you’re living your best la dolce vita life. If you love pistachios or just excellent Italian food, do yourself a favor and get to 47 Anno Domini, like, yesterday. Run, don’t walk!

47 Anno Domini, Rademarkt 15

A classy yet affordable Italian restaurant. For two people we spent €48.50.


Food: 9/10
Presentation: 8.5/10
Service: 9/10
Ambience: 10/10



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