Cabinet cuts threaten to cost UG 80 million

The higher education cuts agreed by the new government could cost the UG as much as 16 million in 2025, rising to possibly 80 million in a few years.

This was stated by Hans Biemans of the board at a university council meeting on Thursday. Although it is still uncertain how the budget cuts will unfold, he sees the situation as bleak.

‘The exact details of the agreement are not yet known and therefore we do not yet know exactly what impact it will have on us,’ Biemans stressed. ‘But if it continues as it is now, then for the RUG’s share you have to think of a cut of 16 million in 2025, which could rise to 80 million in a few years’ time.’

Least damage

Biemans says the UG is working with umbrella organisation Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) to stretch the cuts as long as possible and to drop them where they cause the least damage. ‘But some of the cuts will already be introduced in the next budget and we have to take that into account.’

The university’s hope is that UNL will manage to delay or ‘smartly’ implement the cuts as much as possible after that. ‘It matters quite a bit how the government decides to make cuts.’

Vacancy freeze

In preparation, the university is currently not taking any decisions that affect the long term. For instance, there is a vacancy freeze, so only vacancies that are necessary are filled.

Property investment policy is also under review. The real estate department has to submit a new plan for this soon. For instance, there are plans for new buildings for the ACLO and the Faculty of Arts, but it remains to be seen whether they will reach the finish line.

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