Station to increase bike parking spaces

You’ll only have trouble finding a space for your bike at the station for another five years: after that, it should be easy to park. New routes will also make the station more accessible.
By Remco van Veluwen / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

There is currently space for ten thousand bicycles at the main station. Nonetheless, when you need a spot to park on Friday afternoons, it’s always full. Always.

But salvation is near: the station will construct a separate bicycle storage facility on the south side that will be easily accessible by a tunnel running from north to south. The existing ten thousand spaces will be expanded to at least fifteen thousand – and possibly even 17,500.

Faster and safer

The new facility should be complete in five years. Construction won’t hamper the current availability of parking spaces, says traffic policy advisor with the municipality of Groningen Jaap Valkema.

The station will become more accessible, and the route will become safer. The Werkmanbrug, one of the most dangerous places to cycle, might get improvements as well. ‘We’re investigating whether we can separate the pedestrian and cyclist flows, because these currently run together’, Valkema explains.


The most important cycling routes will be made more attractive. A tunnel will be constructed near outdoor swimming pool De Papiermolen. And at the Hereweg, the ramp onto the ring road will disappear, decreasing traffic. Cycling over the Emma bridge will also become easier, because buses will be rerouted elsewhere. There will also be a new bicycle lane along the Vondellaan.

In time, the station will be more accessible, with plenty of parking and safer thoroughfares. ‘This plan will be a success, I’m sure of it’, says Valkema.

And it’s unlikely that the new tunnel will turn into a commuter shortcut, according to Valkema. ‘People who live in Helpman who need to go to the Vismarkt will use the cycling route rather than the tunnel, because the latter is less attractive.’

Photo: artist’s impression of the bicycle tunnel


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