RUG: ‘Aegir is banned’

Rowing club Aegir was banned from the opening of the academic year last Monday, after the association became the talk of the town for a ‘misogynistic publication’ in their club magazine.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The RUG board feels the publication in club magazine De Ster is at odds with the new behavioural code for student associations. They called the actual matter ‘reprehensible’.

The RUG and the Hanze University of Applied Sciences demand that Aegir takes disciplinary action against the members responsible. The rowing club has announced that the author of the actual piece and the magazine’s senior editor have been suspended for at least a year.

The consternation concerning Aegir arose when local blog Sikkom revealed last Sunday that the club magazine has been having a ‘slut of the season’ election since last winter. According to the blog, the latest edition announced the winner of the ‘summer slut’ cup. Sikkom also says the magazine contains an overview of which members had sex with each other over the past few months.


Student association Vindicat announced last Sunday that they suspended their sub-association Aegir because of the publication. The RUG supports this action. ‘This shows that the accreditation of associations is working’, the university said in a statement.

The accreditation committee, founded by the university, the Hanze University, and Vindicat last year was instated to do something about the hazing culture prevalent among student associations. Vindicat was chastised by the committee in July.

The association did get its accreditation, but under certain conditions. Earlier, the RUG announced that the committee would investigate student association Albertus Magnus next. They have now added Aegir to the list.

Photo: Sikkom


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