Master students happy

Master students at the RUG are happy with their studies. The RUG says this is shown in the results from the National Student Survey (NSE). On average, the students gave their programmes a score of 4.07 out of 5. The atmosphere at the programmes gets a 4.14.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen / Photo by Traci White

In the survey, the university received the highest scores in the areas of study environment, facilities, course load, and scheduling. The master students are also happier than last year with the career preparation they receive (the score went from 3.04 to 3.05), but the RUG is still trailing behind the national average on this point.

This year, the foreign students are happier with their teacher, the provision of information, and scientific skills, the university says. Internationals are also happier about their internship options and career preparation at the RUG.

The university has a less than stellar score in a new area on the NSE: striving for excellence. Students were asked to which extent they felt challenged or invited to push themselves to be the very best, given the chance to pursue their own interests, or to learn more beyond the provided curriculum. In this respect, the university has an average score of 3.57, approximately one percentage point below the national average.


In general, students are most satisfied with their internships (national average 4.12, RUG 3.96). However, they are least satisfied with how they are prepared for their internship (national average 3.14, RUG 3.23) and their supervision during the internship (national average 3.35, RUG 3.4).

Approximately 280,000 students at 70 universities of applied sciences and research universities all over the country participated in the survey. At the RUG, more than 10,000 students filled it out.

See the full results here 


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