A new hit at Albertus’ costs

Student band Swifty can go into the studio to record their new song on Albertus’ dime. The group is profiting from the student association’s new incentive fund.
By Freek Schueler / Translation by Alain Reniers

Lisse van Vliet and his band Swifty are one of the first to benefit from the new fund. The success of their hit single Dakterras left them wanting more, but recording studios turned out to be quite expensive. ‘We’re students and don’t have much in the way of funding, but we do love making music’, says Van Vliet.

Thanks to the Albertus fund, the band can now hire a studio to record a new song. The song in question is intended for Albertus’ quinquennium that is held this summer. ‘The money we receive via the incentive fund is thus intended both for our own development and the quinquennium’, Van Vliet says.

One thousand euros

With the new fund, Albertus wants to improve the ‘mental, cultural and sportsmanlike development’ of its members, says vice-president Sophie Offringa. ‘The money can be used for yourself or a group of Albertus members’, she says. ‘Naturally, you do need to substantiate why you need the money and you need to report on the conclusion afterwards.’ A maximum of one thousand euros is paid out per application. Offringa is also a member of the assessment committee that assesses the applications.

Up to now, the fund has only been used a few times. ‘We’ve only just started and not everyone is aware of the options yet’, Offringa says. ‘We’re testing this for a period of one year to see how things go; we will then do an evaluation to see if we’ll continue with it.’


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