Five KNAW spots for RUG

Five professors at the RUG have been made members of the Royal Netherlands Society of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

The professors are André Aleman, Amina Helmi, Claartje Mulder, Linda Steg, and Marcel Visser. New members are nominated for their superior academic performance. A total of 26 new members have been selected.

Neuropsychologist André Aleman studies suicide, ageing, schizophrenia, and depression. Among other things, Aleman took pictures of the brains of people with schizophrenia who heard voices.

Amina Helmi studies the history of the Milky Way and showed how remnants of other galaxies came together to form it. Helmi has also been a member of The Young Academy.

Professor of demography and space Claartje Mulder was one of the first scientists who analysed people’s life stories to see how they made choices when it came to work, divorce, family, and place of residence.

Linda Steg studies how we can understand, predict, and influence environmentally conscious behaviour. Among other things, she studied the way people use their cars and why people waste energy.

Marcel Visser is professor by special appointment in seasonal timing. His research has shown, among other things, that climate change has caused some organisms in the food chain to change their seasonal timing more than other organisms, leading to selection based on seasonal timing.

The KNAW consists of over 550 members and advises the government on academic practices, promotes national and international scientific collaboration and has set up fifteen prestigious research institutes.


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