Green light for UC Leeuwarden

The minister of Education has greenlit the start of the University College in Leeuwarden.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Bussemaker has approved the request from the RUG/Campus Fryslân for the new bachelor programme Global Responsibility and Leadership. The bachelor programme is a UC that the RUG says is characterised by its small-scale and intense educational style.

The university announced the plans for a second UG in 2015. The RUG wanted to hold off on initiating the UC in Leeuwarden after the University College in Groningen (UCG) had received a sufficient amount of enrolments. But after talks with Frisian aldermen, it was decided that the UC Leeuwarden would become an independent branch with a broad bachelor programme rather than the liberal arts and sciences programme the UCG has.

‘In addition to the Master College and the Graduate School, the bachelor programme is one of the most important building blocks at the Campus Fryslân. It’s great that we’re able to take the next step with this’, says dean Jouke de Vries.


Now that the minister has positively assessed the programme, the next step is accreditation organisation NVAO’s New Programme Test. The NVAO checks whether the new programme meets qualitative and organisational standards. The programme will start in 2018.

In addition to the bachelor programme, the minister also approved the request for the master programme Sustainable Entrepreneurship at the RUG/Campus Fryslân.

Photo: RUG


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