Injured by beer bottle

A RUG student was injured by a man wielding a broken beer bottle outside the Frascati student house on Sunday.
By Traci White

The victim is a Bangladeshi man who is studying international business and management at the RUG. It is not clear if the student is a resident of the house.

According to the police, a report came in at 11:45 on Sunday morning about a person who was threatening someone in front of the Groningen Central Station. The police report says that the suspect was a 25-year-old Algerian man who lives in Musselkanaal.

‘The victim said that he was going out to buy groceries and had asked the suspect for directions to the nearest grocery store, which he gave him’, according to the police. ‘But when the victim realised that he was going in the wrong direction, he turned back around and that is when the suspect hit him on the head.’ The police say that the two men did not have any connection to one another.

Treated on site

The victim suffered a small cut on his head above his ear, which was treated by an ambulance team on site and did not require hospitalisation, according to the police.

Several members of the Northside Barbell weight lifting club – Karel Kudde, Marcel Tamminga, and Stefan Lecher – witnessed the altercation, which took place in the courtyard between the Frascati student house and the Aclo gym. Tamminga says that he and the others were working out when they heard a commotion outside of the gym. They went to check it out and saw the Algerian man threatening the Bangladeshi man with a broken beer bottle.

Erratic behaviour

‘The guy who had been hit was bleeding pretty badly’, Tamminga says via telephone. ‘So we told the one with the bottle, “Calm down and put down the beer bottle.”’ Lecher then called the police.

The police say that the suspect was detained and placed into a police car, where he continued behaving erratically. ‘He was being very aggressive, he was kicking and screaming.’


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