‘Free travel every day’

Students should be able to travel for free throughout the week, both on weekdays and during weekends, D66 feels. The party wants to free up 200 million euros to achieve this.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Alain Reniers

Due to the termination of the basic student financing system, it is increasingly common for students to live with their parents. With a public transport card that is valid throughout the week, it should be easier for these students to take courses in other cities, the political party feels.

‘More and more students take courses at different universities. Moreover, there are study programmes that have exams or internships during the weekends. A public transport card that is valid throughout the week allows students to do the course programme that best suits them more easily,’ D66 MP Paul van Meenen says.

Rush hour

The party says that everybody wins because students will also spread out their travels over the week. D66 expects that this will result in less crowded buses and trains on Monday and Friday. ‘All travellers will benefit from this; there will be fewer people travelling during rush hour,’ Van Meenen predicts.

CDA wants to abolish the public transport card and replace it with a route card that only reimburses travel between the residence and place of study. The political party wishes to reintroduce the basic student financing system for bachelor’s programme students with the money that will be freed up thanks to this measure.

Photo: Maurits Vink/Wikipedia


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