Tabu House made bang list

The bang list that describes 22 female Vindicat members as ‘hotties’ and ‘horny bitches’ was created by residents of the association Tabu House.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

This has been confirmed by multiple sources. The 13 Vindicat members who were suspended after the list was made public, have gone into hiding in other houses because people were knocking on their door ‘to settle a score’. Their names were also removed from Tabu House’s Facebook page shortly after the list was published.

In this third edition of the ‘True Almanac’, as the list is called, the 22 female students are mentioned by name, complete with a photo, the Vindicat house where they live, their phone numbers, and an ‘undisputable rating’ that ranges from one to five stars. Underneath the photos, several dotted lines are meant to be filled in with comments or an opinion, and there is a box to be checked off. ‘Let’s destroy these dirty bitches’ pussies!’ the male members wrote in the list’s introduction.

No response

Currently, Tabu House is as good as deserted. Apart from a list of words rhyming with ‘whore’ written on one wall, there is nothing to see. Vindicat refused to respond. ‘For privacy reasons, we do not want to reveal how the suspended members are connected to each other’, says chairperson Stijn Derksen. The boys’ parents also refused to respond, referring us back to Vindicat.

The pile-up of incidents at the student association has caused a ‘sombre atmosphere in the pub’, according to several members. ‘We’re portrayed as a bunch of morons. We’re all lumped together, like we’re all the same. We now know what if feels like to be a minority.’

The association also became the talk of the town earlier this week because of an incident that took place during orientation in August. Senior members hit an aspiring member so hard during hazing that he had to go to hospital. Vindicat is investigating the assault.


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