Students less satisfied

The RUG has dropped to the second-to-last place in the Elsevier ranking of ‘best programmes’. Out of all the broad universities in the Netherlands, only the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’s (VU) students are less satisfied.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Among the 58 bachelor programmes assessed, eight scored better than average. Students have a negative opinion of twelve of the programmes. As such, the RUG has ended in fifth place on a list of six broad universities of most satisfied students, according to Elsevier. Last year, the university was in fourth place.

The RUG has a satisfaction score of -6.9 per cent. Last year, the university scored 1.7 percent. The Radboud University is the best broad university with a score of 2.6 percent.

Elsevier put together three different lists focused on broad, specialist, and technical universities, respectively. The best university of them all is Wageningen: the specialised institution managed a score of 63.2 percent.


Elsevier compares almost every higher vocational training and higher education programme each year. For this ranking, they rely on of the National Student Survey. Earlier this year, approximately 300,000 students provided their judgment of their programmes’ education, teachers, facilities, organisation, and communication.

The RUG ended in eleventh place out of all thirteen universities this year, above Twente and the VU. The RUG declined to comment to the score. ‘Before we can properly respond to this, we first need to avail ourselves of the complete investigation’s publication’, says spokesperson Gernant Deekens. The full publication of the Elsevier investigation will be published on Thursday.




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