Groninger Museum free

Starting in September, students in Groningen can visit the Groninger Museum for free.
By Peter Keizer / Translation by Sarah van Steenderen

Anyone under eighteen or studying in Groningen (doing vocational training, attending a university of applied sciences or a research university) will be able to visit the museum for free starting next month. The arrangement was made possible in part by a financial contribution by the municipality, the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, UMCG, and the RUG.

Karina Smrkovsky of the Groninger Museum will not say how much the institutes and the municipality have paid. ‘The financial contributions come from the Akkoord van Groningen (Groningen Accords). I would imagine that the educational institutions participate because it gives students an extra reason to come to Groningen to study’, she says.

The RUG could not be reached for comment.


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