UB under pressure due to additional budget cuts: Same work with fewer people is impossible

The University Library (UB) sees only one option to save more money again: reducing staff.

However, this increases the workload on employees, forcing the UB to seriously rethink its services, according to the explanation of the multi-year budget by director Marjolein Nieboer.

Like other faculties and departments, the UB had to make significant cuts last year, totaling over four hundred thousand euros. Following the cuts announced on Budget Day (Prinsjesdag), Nieboer expects that the UB will likely have to save a similar amount again.

More efficient

Last year, the UB focused on working more efficiently, saving on energy costs by adjusting opening hours, and looking for ways to reduce high cleaning expenses.

‘But we now have very few opportunities to cut the same things. So, it has to come from personnel costs, and we will have to reorganize our work accordingly’, said Nieboer.

This doesn’t mean there will be layoffs, but when colleagues leave, new hires won’t be made automatically. The UB will also need to evaluate which services staff can still provide themselves and which should be taken over by faculties.

Difficult message

This process is already underway. Workloads are increasing, and some departments are in a critical situation. ‘It’s a very difficult message, but we don’t have many levers to pull’, said Nieboer. ‘It’s going to be a very tough time for us.’

The Service Council understands that the situation is beyond the UB management’s control and also sees the consequences. ‘We notice the unrest among colleagues’, said chairman Patrick Heemstra.


The council has conducted a survey among UB employees to hear what practical effects the cuts are already having. Nieboer appreciates this. ‘It’s important for me to know which issues really need to be addressed in the scheduled consultation hours.’

Both the UB management and the Service Council want to make it clear to the University of Groningen’s Executive Board that the cuts are having a massive impact on the organization. ‘Many of our services are essential for the entire university. But how we will realize the budget cuts is a big problem’, said Nieboer.

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