Out on the town with: Eóin | Decompressing at ACLO

There’s so much to do in Groningen that you really need a guide to help you uncover the city’s hidden gems. UKrant’s student editors share their cultural agenda with you. What’s their favourite venue and which events are absolutely not to be missed?

Hangout: ACLO

When I am working at my desk all day, staring at a project on my screen that is going nowhere while emails that need my attention keep flooding in and deadlines creep towards me, I get the odd sense that my brain is beginning to melt.

This is when I look forward to a trip to ACLO the most. To sweat the stress out in a spin class or take some frustration out on a squash ball, just to let off some steam that has built up during the day.  

Located on the edge of Zernike campus, the sports centre is surrounded by tennis, padel, and beach volleyball courts. The vibe is relaxed, with people lining up for classes and walking out sweaty and red-faced but satisfied.

I only started using the sports centre this year, but I wish I had earlier. Generally, I am put off going to gyms because of expensive membership fees, but ACLO’s price is surprisingly low if you are a student. 

I sweat the stress out in a spin class or take some frustration out on a squash ball

At the start, I tried out a bunch of exercise classes and new activities until I found the ones I liked. But if you just want to go to the gym and lift away your problems, then that’s an option too.  

And if solo workouts aren’t your thing, there are student sport associations you can join, from judo to ballroom dancing. They are good places to meet new friends and make some connections – especially when you are new in the city. 

The centre is open all week, so whenever you want to decompress, just book on the app and head on in. Though if you want a specific class, it’s better to book the week before in case it fills up.

 And afterwards, the sports bar is good for a beer or a burger to recover after a hard session of whatever sport you are into. Probably not the best post-workout meal, but tasty all the same. 

Blauwborgje 16
Price for students: 59.95 euros per year or 49.95 per semester. Gym membership only is 65 or 40 euros.

Where you’ll find me in the coming weeks:

  • Forum | The Pianist
    When: April 18, 6.40 p.m.
    Price: €12

When I finally got around to watching this movie, it was on a little laptop screen while laying in my bed. I thought it was brilliant, but I was sad that I never got to see it in all its cinematic glory. I will be taking this opportunity to check out Adrien Brody’s Oscar-winning movie on the big screen. It tells the story of an acclaimed Jewish musician’s heroic and inspiring journey to survive when WW2 breaks out.

I have always loved stand-up comedy, so I won’t be missing this chance to see some of Groningen’s upcoming comedians on stage. In my experience, open mics can have some hilarious performances that leave you with a sore throat from laughing and others that are a bit like a car crash: hard to watch but you just can’t look away. Either way, I’ll be there enjoying them with a beer in hand. 

  • International Welcome Center North | Let’s Talk Dutch!
    When: Every Wednesday 2 p.m. for beginners, 3 p.m. for level B1+
    Price: Free

With it looking like learning Dutch is going to become a lot more necessary in the near future, maybe you’re like me and you need this weekly chance to practise your Dutch. This event at the IWCN will give you a chance to practise with other beginners over a cup of tea or coffee. But you need to reserve a spot twenty-four hours in advance, so wees snel!  

Here I’m going to be indulging my philosophical side. With thinkers from Britain and America coming to talk about questions of personal freedom in our inherently chaotic world, this is definitely an event that will leave you contemplating the big questions in life along with odd ones, like: ‘Why do people think they are better than their toaster?’

In between the day drinking and flunkyball games in the park, I will be taking a trip to see the free music on the Vismarkt. There is a good range of music being performed, finishing with acoustic folk music by VanDeStraat and some funky ska from the Jammah Tammah Groove Express. I went to this last year for my first King’s Day in the Netherlands and it was definitely the best part of the day, so I’ll have to hit up again this year!

I’ll be there checking out the opening of this photo exhibition that showcases the fears, hopes and demands of the Anthropocene generation – a generation growing up on an increasingly dynamic and troubled planet. If you are like me and feel some eco-anxiety about the future we are heading to in the midst of climate change, then maybe this event is for you. Don’t worry if you don’t have time that day: it is running the whole way through May!


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