TU Eindhoven university magazine goes dark in protest

All articles on the front page of the website of the Eindhoven university magazine Cursor were replaced by black screens on Tuesday evening. This was done in protest after an announcement that afternoon that the editor-in-chief, Han Konings, had been removed from his position effective immediately.

The editorial team has been feeling pressured by the TU Eindhoven’s board for some time not to publish about certain matters. The last straw was an article about conflicts of interest at the university. The editorial team says that they cannot properly do their work under these conditions and is asking the management to be transparent about whether Cursor should be able to function as an independent medium.

Konings’ forced resignation does not mean his dismissal from TU Eindhoven.


UG and Rijksmuseum establish new chair

The UG and the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam have jointly established a new special chair titled Museums, Heritage, and Religion. This chair, part of the Faculty of Religion, Culture, and Society, will be held by Dr. Valika Smeulders, head of the history department at the Rijksmuseum, starting from October 1. According to both the UG and the Rijksmuseum, there has been increasing attention in recent years to previously overlooked subjects such as colonial history and the contributions of women to society, art, and science. 'Our understanding of the Netherlands and the world is expanding, raising new questions', says Smeulders. 'These developments in contemporary practice will be academically grounded with this chair, which I am proud to occupy.'

Year-end bonuses will be paid in November

Starting this year, the year-end bonus of 8.3 percent will be paid out at the end of November, instead of the end of December. This change is part of an agreement made between trade unions and universities during the 2023 collective bargaining negotiations. The goal is to help employees manage the costly December period by giving them access to their year-end bonuses earlier. However, there is a drawback this year: the bonus will be calculated over eleven months (January through November), instead of the usual twelve. From next year, the calculation will again cover twelve months (December through November).

Student rooms from Lefier and SSH now available in one place 

Students looking for a room from Groningen housing corporations Lefier and SSH can now register in one place via the national platform ROOM.nl. As a result, they also only have to pay the registration fee of 35 euro once. Previously, each housing corporation registered separately. The number of months that students have already been registered with the housing corporations will not be affected. ROOM.nl offers rooms from other housing corporations in cities such as Amsterdam, Delft, Zwolle and Utrecht as well. Many more student housing corporations are expected to join in the future.

Students and staff take action against cuts

Groningen student union GSb is calling on students to protest the government's plans in The Hague on October 18. The government is implementing major cuts to higher education and intends to introduce a 3,000 euro fine for long-term students. It also aims to reduce the number of international students with the Internationalisation in Balance Act. The GSb opposes these plans, as do WOinActie and Organize the RUG, groups primarily consisting of staff members. All three organisations will be taking action and protesting against the government's proposals in the coming months.

Residential containers Vrydemalaan to be removed

The residential containers on Vrydemalaan are set to be removed, Groningen alderman Rik van Niejenhuis announced to the city council last week. The containers have long been plagued by issues, including being difficult to heat in winter, becoming extremely hot in summer, and frequent problems with pests such as mice and rats. As a result, the housing corporation will start removing the units in 2026. Students who lose their accommodation due to this will be given priority for alternative social housing and will receive a moving allowance of 7,000 euros.

European science festival returns to Groningen

The UG and Forum Groningen are organising the European Researchers' Night on Friday, 27 September. Between 7.30 p.m. and midnight, visitors at the Forum can attend mini-lectures, participate in quizzes, conduct experiments, and explore research setups. The evening's programme, led by the university's four schools for science and society, will cover topics ranging from healthy ageing to artificial intelligence. The European Researchers' Night is an annual European initiative held simultaneously in various cities. In the Netherlands, the festival takes place exclusively in Groningen. Tickets are priced at 7.90 euros, which includes two drink tokens.

UB taking measures after fall through roof hatch

The University Library (UB) is taking measures to make working on the roof safer. This after a UB employee fell through a roof hatch and the ceiling below while cleaning the gutters last Thursday evening. Miraculously, the employee suffered only painful elbows and knees. The hatch in question is a known weak spot, says UG spokesperson Elies Wempe-Kouwenhoven. ‘There was leakage here several years ago after heavy snowfall and subsequent thaw.’ The roof hatch will be replaced and a handrail will be installed on the ladders to the roof. 

Knight’s order for geneticist Nine Knoers

UG and UMCG professor of clinical genetics Nine Knoers was appointed Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion on her retirement. This is the highest knighthood awarded to citizens for ‘an achievement for society of a very exceptional nature’. Knoers received the award because of her work in the field of hereditary kidney diseases, which makes the genetics department ‘among the top in the world’, according to the UMCG. She is also a member of the NWO and was previously with the KNAW and the Health Council of the Netherlands, in which she advised the cabinet on scientific policy in the field of genetics.

University Museum open for one night

On Saturday, 21 September, the University Museum will once again participate in Groningen Museum Night. Visitors can explore hidden treasures from the museum's collection, enjoy live music, watch a cabaret show, and learn how to take the best smartphone photos. During Museum Night, guests can access seven Groningen museums for €12.50. Previous editions were all sold out, with over 3,500 people venturing out late into the night. Other participating venues this year include the Groninger Museum, GRID Graphic Museum, the Forum, the Synagogue, Noorderlicht Gallery, and the Museum aan de A.

ERC Grants for UG scientists

Researchers Jingxiu Xie and Gosia Wlodarczyk-Biegun from the Faculty of Science and Engineering have secured an ERC Starting Grant. This means that over the next five years, they will each have 1.5 million euros to spend on their research. Jingxiu Xie is conducting research on intensified catalytic processes for converting CO2 into synthetic fuels, which could then be used as sustainable fuel for airplanes. Gosia Wlodarczyk-Biegun aims to develop a new biomaterial made from gel microspheres—tiny gel droplets. With this material, she intends to print tissues for medical applications.

Trade unions offer new members a 100 euro discount

Anyone who joins a trade union in September or October will receive a one-off discount of 100 euro on membership fees. The unions made this agreement with employers again this year. 'In these uncertain times, with upcoming budget cuts in sight, it is especially important for us as a union to have a stronger voice to defend the rights of workers', the unions wrote. Additionally, September and October are designated as 'trade union month'. The unions are organising various activities during this period to help people better understand the work of the unions.

Amnesty International: take protesting students seriously

Amnesty International urges universities and colleges to only put an end to demonstrations by students and staff if absolutely necessary. 'Administrators should assume the peaceful intentions of students and give them as much space as possible to make their voices heard', says the human rights organisation. 'They must take students seriously and engage in dialogue with them.' As long as the protest remains peaceful, it is part of the academic debate, Amnesty feels. A distinction should also be made between the 'vast majority who demonstrate peacefully and the few who might resort to violence'.

UG rises to place 69 in Shanghai Ranking

The UG has risen from place 76 to 69 in this year's Shanghai Ranking. The uni scores particularly well on business administration, automation & control and communication. Psychology and medical technology are also highly rated. Harvard, Stanford and MIT - all in the US - traditionally make up the top three. Utrecht University is the Dutch uni with the highest ranking, on position 55. The Shanghai Ranking is an annually published list of universities ranked on the quality of scientific research.

UG to close some buildings during summer holidays

A number of UG buildings will be closed during the summer. Which buildings exactly varies per faculty and department. Other buildings will stay open, but with reduced opening hours. The UG also closed some of its buildings last summer to save costs and energy. Employees and students who want to continue working during the summer can check which buildings are open via their faculty or department's intranet.

Stef van Grieken is UG alumnus of the year 2024

Entrepreneur Stef van Grieken has been named UG alumnus of the year. During his studies he was already involved in initiatives to make the government digitally transparent. Two years ago, Van Grieken founded Cradle, a platform that uses AI to find practically applicable proteins with which, for example, medicines and alternatives for detergent can be developed faster. The jury praised his ability to put the sometimes complex and controversial artificial intelligence to use. Van Grieken will receive his prize during the opening of the academic year on September 2.

Education prize for Jolien Mouw’s ‘virtual classroom’

Jolien Mouw, affiliated with the Faculty of Behavioural and Social Sciences, has won the Dutch Education Prize. She received the award, amounting to 1.2 million euros, on Thursday from the outgoing minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. The Dutch Education Prize is the highest distinction in vocational and higher education. Jolien Mouw’s project is ‘The classroom in order with virtual reality’. It provides teaching students a safe learning environment in which they can practice classroom management skills and increase their self-confidence.

Prestigious award for evolutionary biologist Casper van der Kooi

Evolutionary biologist Casper van der Kooi is one of the recipients of the 2024 Heineken Young Scientist Awards. He will receive 15,000 euros, which he can spend as he sees fit. Van der Kooi's research focuses on the colours of flowers and plants, as well as their origins. The jury appreciates his interdisciplinary approach, noting that he has earned doctorates in both computational physics and evolutionary biology. They also highlighted his significant role in public debates. The Heineken Young Scientist Awards are presented every two years to promising young researchers. The other awards went to econometrician Kevin ten Haaf from Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, historian Lorena De Vita from  Utrecht University and developmental psychologist Manon van Scheppingen, from Tilburg University.