Tips for first-years: Beware of your social battery

To make the transition to a new life in a new city a bit smoother, UKrant‘s student editors give their top tips over the next three weeks. Today: beware of your social battery.

Groningen boasts a massive amount of events, especially in the beginning of the academic year, and especially for incoming first-year students. Between KEI week, club meetings, study association events, student house parties and all that jazz, it might feel like university is primarily about meeting exciting new people and partying. 

However, as I noticed in my first term, extensive socializing comes at a cost, both for your wallet and yourself. In between all the excitement, I quickly noticed that my social battery was in serious need of charging, and this meant finding some time just for myself. 


I found that a good way to charge my social battery was to set aside one day per week for me-time, when I wouldn’t meet any other people, even if it seemed tempting.

I recommend exploring calm, natural spaces in and around the city of Groningen, because it always seems easier to me to recharge in a calm space where I am not likely to encounter others.

You can start off by exploring the parks, like Noorderplantsoen and Stadspark, or the forests like Sterrebos and Bevrijdingsbos, or maybe the Paterswoldsemeer and Hoornsemeer lakes. 

This article was first published on 23 August, 2023.


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