What does winter break look like in your country? Send us your pictures!

In Groningen, where it gets dark at 4 p.m. and temperatures are below zero these days, students wear warm coats and hide their faces in thick scarves whenever they venture out into the festively lit streets.  The shop windows in the Oude Kijk in ’t Jatstraat are decorated in lovely winter scenes and at the corner of the Vismarkt, you can buy a Christmas tree in whatever size you prefer. 

While Groningen prepares for the winter holidays with hot chocolate and mulled wine, UKrant wants to know what the winter break looks like for our international students and staff. Where will you spend the next few weeks? Somewhere sunny, perhaps? Or somewhere even colder than here? Will you be seeing your family, friends, your favourite pet? Do you celebrate Christmas, or does the winter break revolve around different festivities?   

We’re curious to know how you spend your winter holidays and would love to see it! Send us pictures and we’ll include them in our compilation next week. The photos can be from last year, or the year before. As long as they showcase what you’re looking forward to this winter break. 

Send your pictures in the highest possible resolution by Monday, December 19 at the latest to [email protected] with ‘winter break’ in the subject line and we’ll get to work.


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