UB can only save on energy by changing its opening hours

To save on energy, the University Library (UB) will start a trial on December 1 where they’ll open later and close earlier. The new opening hours do not apply during exam time.

During the week, the library will be open from 9 a.m. until 10 p.m. On the weekends, opening hours are between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. This means the building will be closed for an additional twenty hours a week, and the board expects that will lead to ‘considerable energy savings’. 

During a meeting of the UB employee council last month, director Marjolein Nieboer talked about the rising energy costs and potential cost-saving measures. She said the UB would be paying approximately 300,000 euros more in energy this year.

Energy-efficient building

According to Nieboer, it’ll be difficult to save even more energy, especially since the UB has been an energy-efficient building since its renovation five years ago. There are solar panels on the roof, the building is lit with LED lights, and it’s heated through cogeneration.

Through cogeneration, cold water is pumped up from the ground to cool the building. This water is then stored and used to heat the building in winter.

Opening hours

Closing the building, like some faculties are doing, isn’t an option according to Nieboer. The UB should always be available to the UG.

The new opening hours are based off an analysis of the occupancy numbers, the UB says. This analysis states that the number of visitors is particularly low during the hours the building will be closing. The UB emphasises that this is a trial that will last a year. It will be evaluated after six months. 


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