Fewer airplanes, no car: a good plan, or unattainable? Write to us

Should we stop travelling to the university by car? Should we take more trains and fewer planes? Shortly before the climate conference in Sharm El Sheikh, the UG imposed stricter measures. Are we doing enough or too much? Or should we be doing even more? We want to know what you think.

Anyone who lives within a fifteen-kilometre radius of the UG will be losing their parking pass. The reason is the UG feels that this distance can easily be travelled by bike or public transport. Flying should also become ‘greener’. People are only allowed to fly if the distance is more than 800 kilometres or if the journey lasts more than nine hours.

Not everyone is happy with the new rules. What if you don’t live in the city and you have to spend two hours every day in a stinky diesel-powered bus? On top of that, the allowance for public transport is fairly meagre. And sure, flying isn’t very sustainable, but trains are expensive and take time.

How do students and staff at the UG feel about the idea? UKrant would like to invite you to write a short opinion piece (200-250 words, please include your name) and email it to redactie@ukrant.nl (or click here). We’ll take the responses and turn them into a compilation.


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