The university council doesn’t talk about coffee… well, sometimes it does

The university council is only allowed to participate in the discussion about coffee, according to a prejudice. But this time it is true, says University Council member Ruben Wagenvoort of Student Organization Groningen (SOG) with a wink. So this piece is about coffee (or rather, the lack of it).

Dear honourable members of the university council and university board,

There is a certain stereotype when speaking of the university council. An average student mainly believes that us university council members merely make decisions regarding coffee and tea

Then, I at least, try and explain that this could not be further from the truth and that we actually make important decisions regarding sustainability, student life and budget to name a few.

However, now I shall fulfil the stereotype and talk about; coffee.

Let me sketch a reoccurring situation. Its exam season, the UB packed from sunrise till sunset. These are the days when the small things in life can have a huge impact, such as coffee. However, the coffee machines are out of order, no coffee cups are available, or the machines are simply empty by the time the clock strikes 12:00.

The coffee machines are out of order, no coffee cups are available, the machines are simply empty

These are now problems of the past after we conducted some qualitative researche and discovered that just yesterday an extra coffee machine has been placed on every single floor.

There is a tendency to not give credit where credit is due. Therefore we would like to thank the university, that we were able to being solving the problem together. Just like we solved the lack of coffee machines together we hope that we can fix the water fountains, and increase the amount of cubs available for Douwe Egberts coffee together just as quickly. As still to this day cups are scarce and half of the water fountains in the UB are out of order.

So all in all, thank you for the coffee may we now have some water please.

Statement of Ruben Wagenvoort on behalf of SOG in the university council of October 27


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