UG rises five spots in Times World Ranking

The University of Groningen has risen five spots in the prestigious Times Higher Education ranking (THE). The university is now in 75th place.

The UG has surpassed the Rotterdam Erasmus University and is now the fifth highest Dutch university in the rankings. The highest Dutch university is Wageningen University and Research in 59th place.

The British Oxford University is in first place for the seventh year in a row, followed by Harvard University in the United States. A shared third place went to the British University of Cambridge and the American Stanford University.

Academic references

With 90.4 out of 100 points, the UG scored particularly well in the Citations category. In this category, THE checks how often academic UG publications are referred to from all over the world.

With 89.9 points, the UG also scored quite well in the International Outlook category. In this category, THE checks how many international students and researchers the universities have and how much they cooperate on an international level.

Ten universities

The Groningen university did less well in the Teaching category, where it scored only 45.4 points. In order to calculate the score for this category, THE sends out a ‘reputation survey’, among other things. 

They also take into account student-to-staff ratio and how many PhDs end up in an academic position within the institute.

THE evaluated a total of 1,799 universities from all over the world. Ten of the fourteen Dutch universities are in the top 200 and seven of those are in the top 100. All in all, the Netherlands is doing very well in the rankings.


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