Large influx of pharmacy and physics students

The pharmacy and physics programmes are in danger of attracting far more students than expected next year. In the case of pharmacy, this could mean almost 100 more students. For physics, it’s 73.

This academic year, 187 students chose to study pharmacy. For the academic year 2022-2023, the faculty counted on 200 students, but prognoses assume 241 to 286 students.

Physics also seems to be very popular next year. This academic year there were 155 enrolments and the faculty was aiming for 100 for next year. But based on the preregistrations, the faculty expects to welcome between 158 and 173 students.

Numerus clausus

Last academic year, biology and biomedical engineering in particular had to cope with an extra influx. Biology even feared receiving 350 new students, 100 more than the target. The faculty had to send a warning letter. ‘We have cause for concern regarding our ability to provide you with the world class education we intend to provide,’ the letter said. ‘We ask you to take this information into consideration when making your final enrolment decision.’

A numerus clausus that took effect this academic year has solved that problem. Biology has a maximum of 250 places and biomedical engineering 125. It is not clear whether the Faculty of Science and Engineering will do the same for pharmacy and physics. In any case, it does not help in the short term. ‘Such a numerus clausus can only take effect in 2024,’ says interim dean Rob Timmermans.

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