Are you a great photographer? UKrant is looking for a student photographer

Are you interested in photojournalism? Then we’ve got the job for you: UKrant is looking for a student photographer.

What will you be doing?

We’ll give you a photo assignment several times a month. It could be anything: capturing an event or newsworthy situation, shooting a portrait, or a photo essay.

What will you get in return?

You’ll get to work with a dynamic team, learning the ins and outs of photojournalism. You’ll get to know a completely different side of the university and the people who study and work there.

Also of note: we will be paying you compensation (approximately 20 euros per photo).

What do we expect from you?

You’re a creative soul, and you know exactly how to find the light in your photos. You know your way around a camera and are a wizard with photo editing software.

You have a good sense of timing and you’re not timid; you easily approach people to get the shot.

You’ll attend the weekly editorial meeting, brainstorming together with the regular editors and other student editors about newsworthy subjects and how to best show them. We always appreciate people coming up with their own ideas.

You know how to meet a deadline, as these are incredibly important in journalism.


Send your motivation, a short CV (we don’t need to know you worked as a cashier five years ago) and some examples of photos you’re proud of to [email protected] before Friday, February 25. In the subject line, please include the words ‘student photographer’.


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