You’re invited to promenade at the Duisenberg pond

Flowers adorn the park, plants float in the pond, there’s a promenade and picnic benches: the area around the Duisenberg pond at Zernike has been redesigned. All it needs now is students and staff who want to catch some rays.

The redesign is part of the Upgrade Zernikelaan project, which aims to renovate the entire Zernikelaan area. The goal is to make the area more attractive and to motivate staff and students to have lunch there, get a coffee with colleagues, or just sit around and soak up the sun. 

The pond’s quayside was lowered and a wide, wheelchair-accessible deck has been installed over the water alongside it. Another objective of the Zernikelaan renovation project is to make the area more accessible. 

In order to make everything look nice, vegetation blankets were placed in the pond with a special selection of plants that will improve the quality of the water and increase biodiversity at the campus. Flowers have been sown in the park surrounding the pond. More greenery will be planted in the fall.


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