How to survive in Groningen: Where can I find a job?

Students can use all the money they can get. A job also looks good on your CV. Here are the best jobs for students in Groningen.

Meal delivery

They’re everywhere: students on electric bikes delivering food. The most well-known companies are Uber Eats, Thuisbezorgd, and Dominos, but lesser-known places like The Foodspot and Helpman’s Pastas are always looking for delivery people. It’s a great way for international students to get to know the city by bike.

Barista, bartender, service work

What’s better than a job in the hospitality industry? It’s can be hard work, but it’ll leave you feeling satisfied at the end of the day. It’s also a great way to meet new people, as a lot of students work these kinds of jobs.

Teaching assistant

If you are really into studying, you’d probably make a good teaching assistant. Teaching assistants help out with classes, help prepare and administer exams, and support research activities. The work can be interesting, and it’ll look good on your CV.


Do you like kids? Babysitting might just be the job for you. It’s a lot of responsibility to take on, but if you can deal with that, it’s perfect. And once the kids have gone to bed, you can watch television or study. Perfect!


You only just graduated high school, so you can probably still remember everything you learned. Were you always particularly good at French? Or maybe physics was more your thing. Use that knowledge. Groningen has several homework institutes where you can work at a tutor or supervise students doing their homework.

Promotional work

Are you convincing and do you enjoy going up to people to talk to them? Promotional work might be the thing for you. Together with other students, you’ll go out on the street to sell products. The more you sell, the more money you make. A day spent talking to people could be worth a lot!


If you prefer working from home. editing is a good choice for you. You can join Scribbr, for example, to edit theses and reports. You’ll check language, the general structure, and the layout.



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